Travel Portal

 Hello, this project demonstrates the best travel portal. It is a web-based program designed to make it easier for people to go to packages. Automatically the total amount based on the images provided by the user.

 So let’s see how the system works it reaches the people who will be in the system that if they add some of them maybe they are. So let’s say the module administrator. So this is an example of a curium login page administrator with a low name. So let’s enter the ID. So when the administrator logs into the system these modules you can access the first model package details you must specify package details. Package IDs will be created by the system and we must specify the details. Let us enter the name of the place and the description of the total number of stay and take more details.

You must refute the details about the number of days and the number of nights packages and have a picture package here the administrator can find video package details and you can specify our new location, new mannequin take a picture and go to the search button for your specific location details. Let’s look at city booking details we cut various user booking videos and by clicking on user ID you can have user details as you are using special with this and let’s see new user details. Here you can take any user details to view and not clear name and go to search button where there are many users. So that’s how the headman model works let’s say we use the model if the user is a new member cannot register by clicking the login button so the user ID we generated by the program and they must specify the password and name well as mobile number and email ID using the user ID and password you can log in to the system.

So I was already registered. So I use ID and when a user logs in to the system we can view different locations and packages and the total cost of a particular package and specify the destination. If you want to search for a button you can use that particular des has a rich package. If I am there to complete the process once I click on it means that certain details of the cases will be displayed along with the package and the total value so when the user said click to enter containers or in that speed game, you will be redirected to areas where location details and package details above. Here you can specify what you need. If you want to hold on to the radio button and can specify navigation mode based on that User Details total will be calculated by the program. So now I will click your first date by clicking to confirm that the person who has booked will be directed to the pavement wage. He can make details about the package they have booked and you can specify whether you want to pay with our credit card or bank card. So when the job button cookies must specify the card is a card number must be 16 digits. The method will show an error message and the CBD number must be three digits and you must specify the expiration of the total cost to be shown when you get to the payment button. The change is made and successful and I also became a beacon in the frame button to deliver the receipt. So this is another useful model that goes this way the wood navigation system works. Read more
